
Hip pain? relief if any?

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Mother needs two hips replaced and cant, get her surgery done for at least another month, she is in extream pain and nothing helps her, not vicodine, not darvocet, when she rubs joint flex on its a temp pain reliever,its still there but decreased pain. is there anything you know of that is over the counter maybe a remedy or a drink that will help her pain.. shes got high blood pressure too..




  1. Her bed and possibly chair are probably making the pain worse--a bad bed can create hip problems and make existing ones worse.  Massaging (very lightly) around the area will help reduce some of the tightness that makes the pain worse.  Try other rubs such as capsaicin cream (check for high blood pressure counterindicators on any product).  

  2. yea i know something over the counter that works. get cough medicine that has dextromethorphan as the only active ingredient, such as those robitussin liquid-gels and take 150-300mgs for pain.

  3. My doctor ordered me Flector Patch. You put it right over where the pain is. Have her ask her doctor about it.

  4. As a long term remedy she could try glucosamine and chrondotin but these can take up to 3 months to work.  She could try acupuncture for pain relief, she will know whether it works in a short time.

  5. IF it were my mom I would give her Australian Bush Flower Essences Emergency Essence with Bottlebrush added and put 7 drops in water and shake then sip till the pain went away. It will not interfere with medications as it is not a drug but an energy medicine.  You most likely will have to order on line, as it is pretty new.

    The Emergency Essence cream is good as well but get the drops for the water dosage though.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

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