
Hire Teachers Based On Connections?

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How many of you work in a school that is known for hiring uncertified teachers?

This is a very common practice in New York City.

A lot of people are hired because they are good friends with the principal or know someone at the district office.

The only people who suffer are the students.

Your thoughts?




  1. That does seem pretty unfair.  I teach in SC and if a school does hire an individual who is uncertified then they must enroll in a process (that I've heard is difficult) to become certified; however, the children are suffering especially if the teachers are being hired because of connections.  I realize there is a teacher shortage and that may provoke schools to hire uncertified teachers, but just because you "know someone" should not stabilize your career (especially as a teacher).

  2. Unfortunately, it happens all the time, all over the world.

    And I agree with you on the way it affects students.

    I've seen good, well-prepared teachers being fired and those fakes, cheaters get hired instead based on personal connections.

    It's really sad, maddening and frustrating.

  3. It's much worse in suburbs. Nobody cares about the education system except to complain. Hence, our pay checks.

  4. Happens all the time. but not all uncertified teachers are bad. in fact many certified teachers do not know hot to teach properly.

    but the fact that they get the job on connections along is completly and utterly wrong and biased.

  5. YES...I know exactly what you mean. I was recently not reelected but heard that some of the kindergarten teacher's friends were coming in. The principal would not comment on it. I knew they were all "in" on a secret because one of my colleagues was also denied reelection and was told that it was "not his business" to know why he wasn't being re-hired (he was an excellent teacher from what everyone knew).

    It's sad to think that a lot of schools are like this. Teaching should not be about kissing up to Admin. but, unfortunately, that's the word around town.

    Here I spent all my time becoming a "highly qualified" teacher (just like they supposedly want) when I guess I should have practiced my butt kissing skills. :(

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