
Hire undocumented still goes on?

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restaurants hire ....... but do you think that retail jobs, office jobs, cutomer service jobs, call centers hire undocumented ? if they do, do they care about filling the required paperwork?




  1. They all do.  When immigration comes, the illegals are forewarned to run out the back door.  I am all for punishing those who hire, harbor and help illegal immigrants.  To me, it is a national security issue.  These people can't be trusted.  They smile and act all friendly but their refusal to learn English, their demands on our local, state and Federal Government for preferential treatment and the increases in crime in the areas where they "settle" belie them.   My policy is to report all illegals applying for jobs when their social security numbers can't be verified and when their documentation doesn't check out.  We don't tell them they aren't hired so that ICE will have an opportunity to arrest and detain them.  We hire U.S. Citizens and we give them preferential points, especially for jobs that are being shipped overseas or are targeted for special VISAS.  We want to hire U.S. Citizens first and foremost and we do report illegals.  Furthermore, any contractors we hire must provide documentation that their employees are "legal" and our requirement is that they must all speak proficient English.    It is against the law to hire, harbor or help an illegal immigrant.  Our fathers, husbands, wives, daughters, sons are dying for the USA and we aim to see that Security is tight at home.  ICE doesn't have enough people to do the job they should be doing so when we provide documentation, and when the illegals learn that we check, double-check and re-check, they go elsewhere.  We keep trying to get others on the bandwagon.  We're seeing results.  Oh, and by the way, if a person is in the USA legally, they don't need a matricula consular card because they'll have the proper documentation.   Additionally, we have sent letters to our Aldermen asking that a resolution be passed that requires all city contracts to be awared to legal citizens and legal immigrants.  

    Illinois is one of the states whose governor and chicago mayor and congress have passed a rule that employers are not allowed to use the federal e-verify database to ensure the legality of employees.  We urge employers in Illinois to follow federal law and to demand that state law comply for National Security Reasons.

  2. Of course Un-documented people are getting hired at all types of jobs, and different positions.

    Companies avoid employee tax fees that they would otherwise have to pay for a "regular" employee. Also these un-doc. individuals settle for less, and of course Companies take advantage of this & pay less for the same amount of work another person would do for much more.  

  3. it is called paying under the table. cash cannot be tracked like checks.  have you worked off the books for cash- no taxes at all?

  4. If ANY of them hire, they're facing huge financial fines by the government.  Some state laws will actually yank their business license.

  5. I'm confused. Quote: Experts say that illegal mexican immigrants fill jobs that Americans do not want.  Who did these jobs BEFORE the illegal immigrants came....santa's elves?

  6. All these types of places and more hire them.  They don't care about the paperwork because these people will work for next to nothing.  The company can be fined by the government if caught, but that is a long shot.  Besides the immigrants rarely work at the same place more than a year.

  7. They probably are because the employers know that they are hard workers and very reliable. They know that they don't make demands for higher wages, benefits, long Starbucks breaks, weekends and Holidays off.

    Local Employers Rely On Legal, Illegal Immigrants

    SAN DIEGO -- A special report by NBC 7/39 found much of San Diego's workforce is made up of both legal and illegal immigrants. They fill jobs experts say U.S. citizens cannot or will not.

    Luawanna Hallstrom runs the Harry Singh Produce Company. She told NBC 7/39 without immigrant labor, San Diego's multimillion dollar tomato crop would suffer.

    For the quick-serve restaurant industry, the topic couldn’t be more relevant. Restaurants have a high turnover rate and need to hire workers to fill a constantly rotating kitchen staff. In many cases, illegal immigrants can end up on the roster.

  8. To a limited extent, you are correct.  I believe that will be ending about the coming of November, and employers who have cheated will be caught!!

  9. yes, a LOT of companies hire illegals. how do you think 12 million people are employed? they don't ALL work in restaurants. also, when they work in these companies and get a paycheck taxes are taken out, so they also DO pay taxes, no matter what other people say. the proper paperwork is filed, but the numbers and names are not checked.

    Also, I would like to inform you that most illegals DONT work for cash, but actually get a check

    ..AND no, Santa's elves didn't do the jobs before. I don't know if anybody noticed, but the world is getting pretty technologically based and the citizens are getting lazier and lazier by the day. I'll admit it, I don't want to stand outside in the fields for 9 hours a day.

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