
His exwife slapped my 2 year old son in the head! Help!?

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My hubby and I have been dealing with his bitter ex for the past 7 years of our marriage. This time the "loose cannon" as gone to far. She smacked my 2 year old in the back of the head for throwing an empty popcorn bag on the floor at our kids game (my stepdaughter and bio daughter). I lost it and could not hold my tongue anymore. As I told her that she did not have the right to touch my child and she cut me off saying "whatever", I'm really worried"! She also told my 12yo stepdaughter to put me in check when she came over to our house. A week later my stepdaughter asked if her sis (my bio daughter) could spend the night at her house; I said no (I just don't trust her mom) after this stunt. She proceeded to ask my daughter was I still mad about what her mom did, because her mom told her she's over it! When will she stop trying to irritate the h**l out of me and playing games? My hubby hasn't talked to her since, but said that he didn't say anthing because I already had it handled.




  1. I hope you gave her more than a slap in the head back. She needs a good old fashion beat down for raising a hand to not only a child but SOMEONE ELSES CHILD. Nope, that ***** would have had about two seconds until the lights went out. I'd have had the police there to scrape her off the floor.

  2. you handled it better than me. NOONE hits my baby girl. i woul dhave beat her head in and then told her to get the h**l away or i would kill her.

  3. If someone hit my child like that I would call the police. She does not need to be around children with a temper like that.

  4. i would be phoning the cops, what a stupid broad, no one has the right to touch your child, especially not that cow!! or threten to phone child protective services and see if that straightens her out

  5. Wow, you are really a nicer person than me because my instincts would have been to hit her which would have only caused more problems.  I am sure you were in shock by the audacity of her to do that.  I would avoid her like the plague, and have no contact with her and do not stand with her at games, walk away.  I would not let your daughter near her at all and to try not to get in a power struggle with your step-daughter because her mom advised her to put you in check.  Your husband's ex clearly has issues

  6. Anyone who would slap a 2 year old on the head for any reason needs help.  Explain to your stepdaughter that you have not gotten over it and because of that you do not feel comfortable letting her sister (your daughter) sleep over.  If this was over a popcorn bag being dropped what if the child broke something accidentally just what would her reaction be then?

  7. wow if your husband won't say anything cal the police, because think about it one day an inncident happens and you stpe away for a moment or that lady somehow gets near your kids she can hurt them. shes crazy. no one has the right to touch your kids. be firm about the situation and if shes immature about it then resort to whatever you can to protect your family. good luck (:

  8. She's bitter. Even though she will always be around..she needs to control herself and let go of the  past. Seems that all that frustration is comin from that. Your husband needs to put her on check! He cant expect you to always "handle" it.

  9. She's crazy!! If she does anything else call the fuzz!

  10. I dearly hope you did more than slap her back...My best advice would be not to associate with her at all, and you should tell her to leave you and your children alone. If she does something like this again, get a restraining order.

  11. If this were my child, I would have called the police. Not to be bitter or mean, or to create resent, but to protect my child. As his voice, he only has adults to act as protectors of his rights.

  12. Wow you are nice. Because I would have smacked the c**p out of that lady for hitting my child.

  13. sorry about this situation, but i dought she will ever change. she is doing it because she probably still has feelings for ur husband. i deal with stupid dramma too and im not even with the guy. as much as it sucks, i would say it will probably never change. i wouldjust make sure i keep my kids away from her and try my hardest to ignore the stupid stunts she pulls. it really sucks that she is that imature and she is a mother and even that shes that imature and an adult! but some people never grow up. id make sure she understands that if u catch her or see her put her hands on either of ur children that something will be done and that its not ok for her to do those things. and i know ur husband said u had it under control, but it doesnt sound like she respects u (sorry) and i think he should say something about it and put her in her place.- good luck with this crappy situation!

  14. OOOOHHHH,I would have lost it and laid the abuser out! Stay away from her and keep children away from her,who knows what she'll do next.

  15. Well, isn't that nice, that she's so over it she talked to her twelve year old daughter about it and told the girl to "check around" to see if you were still mad?

      I'd be telling the 12 yr. old that it's between the adults, then be VERY CAREFUL not to let the girl hear anything about the problems you are having with her cow of a mother....

      As for the woman, next time she feels the need to hit your 2 yr. old, try smacking her upside the back of her head and saying, "Hey! We don't hit!" (do it with a smile and she'll only look like a fool when she gets mad about it!)

  16. c**p like this gives me heartburn, children having children bottom line.  I wouldnt allow my child around her again. Pretty much there is a problem you need to address it, if she is giving you the c**p of whatever, tell her next time she touches your child you will press charges against her. Someone needs to be an adult here, and it seems like the fighting is between you and this ex. Seriously your husband needs to get invovled in it and you need to get out of it. Completely.

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