
His girlfriend is cheating on him. how do i tell him?

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i like this boy soo much... but his girlfriend has cheated on him... he has to know the truth but how do i tell him without him hating girls and him not knowing its me cause i dont want him to hate me too! its very confusing. please help me!




  1. Hi Volleyba,

       Listen to me good. It is none of your business what is going on

    with him and his girl. It is not your place to tell him what you know. Keep it to yourself. If you know it someone else knows it. Let that person tell him if it's to be told. You didn't say whether the girl was

    your friend. One thing men say about women is that we talk too much

    So let him find out on his own and see what he does next. For all you know he may not be interested in you. I didn't read that part in your letter. So be cool and keep your feelings about him to yourself. If any one knows that you like him and someone else tell him about her

    people may think that you were the one that told when really you didn't

    Whether you get to be with this guy or not remain a lady some day you will be with a guy who will only have eyes for you.

  2. If you really do like him then you just have to come out and say it. Don't be afraid he wont hate you. But if you really don't want him to know it was you then tell someone else to tell him

  3. just cause his girlfriend cheated on him doesnt mean hes gonna hate you.

    infact h**l probably thank you for telling him.

    you have to tell him.

    i mean, if someone was cheating on you wouldnt you want to know?

    and hey, now he has a shoulder to cry on ;)



  4. u should say i don't want you to hate me but your girlfriend has been cheating on you

  5. Tell the girl that you know. Tell her that if she doesn't tell him, than you will. This will give her a chance to tell him herself. If she doesn't, then tell him. Make sure you have proof. Don't forget to tell him that you are sorry that you have to tell him this, but you know that she will continue to hurt and use him more if you don't tell him.

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