
His is gone, will mine go away too?

by Guest56272  |  earlier

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Okay me and my husband have HPV(warts :[ )

Its a dumb situation but I got it from him. He devolped them a week after our first time. (s*x) Well since we had unprotected s*x our first time (not my best choice) I got them too but they devolped about 5 months after our first time. Well its been about 10 months since he devolped his and this past month they just went away. So does that mean mine will go away too? I want to see a Dr. for a cream or freezing but I am very broke all the time. So I am just wondering in a couple of months will mine disappear? (I also have a very weak immune system if that helps...




  1. maybe you husband chose not to tell you this...but you will have them forever they will go away for a while but they will always come back

  2. HPV is a virus.  You can treat the symptom but there is no cure.  Even if you had them medically removed they MAY come back since the virus remains in the body.  For some persons the warts will go away on there own.  Some doctors do not worry so much about the warts as they do not cause problems medically unless they are causing blockage to body openings.  This problem is seen as more cosmetic.  Do no use over the counter meds as the warts in the genital area are different from other warts on the body.  HPV is more common than people would like to think.  If they go away on there own, they MAY come back.  They MAY not.

  3. They will, but they will return. Sorry.

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