
His longevity as written in his horoscope is 62 years.?

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Born 25/12/1948, 01:25 hrs Gwalior. He is not in good health. His horoscope made by Shastriji of Gwalior states Life upto 62 years. Could you work out and confirm. He does not have son, one son born to him expired on his first birthday. He has two daughters. He wants to go to Gaya and do his kriya karm in the absence of a son. He is a thorough brahmin.




  1. Well I feel sorry for him if he tries to life up to that one and winds up going before his time . there is no evidence to support astrology .and Astrologers don't even take into consideration the increase in the tilt of the earth that would chandge thier entire system . My sign is "beware, danger ahead".

  2. Vedic or Indian Astrology is very different from Western Astrology... I would never ever predict a person's date of death.

    You need to consult a Vedic Astrologer if you want that confirmed.

  3. I am surprised that any astrologer would predict the actual time of death. Most do not think it is ethical, and you are not likely to find anyone on here who will confirm anything of this nature.

    My point of view would be to try to go on with his life as if the prediction was not made. Astrology predicts tendencies, but it is not 100 percent accurate. Then add to that the fact that some astrologers are not even close to accurate.

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