
His love for me is weird? Can anyone explain??

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We had a crush on each other, and i was trying to start off as frnds. So he asked me to go with him to this halloween party but i was sick and he saw that and said i couldn't, he just got pissed and said "so" as in "so what if i'm sick." so he takes some other girl with him, the next day he uploads pics of that party, but the pics are ALL her.

I simply kept on rejecting his invitations to hang out and at the sametime he was seeing her, but he was still trying to be with me. During that time, he was jealous of guys, even his frnds, stalking my frnds to know more about me, having his frnds talk to me and so on. Even touching me. This went on for a year until i insulted him and he made his relationship with her known to everyone (just to hurt me).

He's still into me, and i don't understand this behavior of his. Stupidly, I like him, but why on earth is he acting this way??




  1. his behavior is showing signs of immaturity, selfishness, and possiveness.

    the uploading of images of her state that he is trying to make you jealous, while he would say he just wanted you to know he was fine and had fun...

    his comments to you, show he is living in a world where he believes one's actions must be met with rewards and expectations. He will try to use his future getting sick as an example, "he will say but I did it for you." That is childish behaivior. He isn't considering the others persons needs at the time. If he truly regarded the relationship and friendship he should've suggested if you needed medications, or if you went to the clinic, then honored your request to go to the party alone.

    The latter details you point out are also possessive behavior. You should inform a friend or even his family about your concerns, also for you own safety since alot of the details you are to him in the presence of another who is close to you both,,,be neutral about it, not uncaring since that leads to agressive behavior with many with his symptoms if what you say is true. But, be straight forward, not open ended. People with possessive behavior issues tend to get violent. he may even try to use his time of "liking you" as a defense for his unsettling actions you are detailing. His trying to hurt you , is his way of trying to confirm to himself a form of dominance.

    As to why he is acting that way... I would only say that it is fairly common for those who are insecure with themselves. They tend to lack close social interaction, and most of their interactions even to those they call close turn out to be onesided, and superficial. (Those are common to people who demand control. They get agressive and begin irrational or uncommon thoughts. almost to the point of self-delusions.)

    You can like him, if he gets over his insecurity issues, then he should be fine. But from what you say he also has to mature a little.

  2. reverse psychology. start acting like you're all about him and he'll lose interest. It'll no longer be a challenge for him.  

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