
His name is Levi. He is on the run or in hiding. Why won't the Palin's release his last name? age?

by  |  earlier

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Is this a case of the "run away groom"?

Stop the Shot-Gun Wedding.




  1. Because it's none of your business.    That's why.  

    Geeze. Get a life.  

  2. lol i heard he comes on YA!

    great judgement johnny boy, really great!

  3. I heard he is the son of a filthy rich Jewish magnate who paid to hush things up. So there!

  4. Because it isn't any ones business what his name is or how old he is.  

  5. I said the same thing!!  Its ashame that little Bristol and Levi has to be forced into a shotgun wedding because of her Mother.  Now tell me are they going to be a happy American couple?  I don't think so..

    Yes this is a private family matter but what does say for Gov. Palin's conversative family.  Its my understanding that she is to LEAD by example.  

    We don't know Levi's age so some us don't need to assume he's a minor..Levi probably not a minor.  Gov. Palin doesn't has any control of Levi...Believe me, the media would find out...and we all for another BOMBSHELL

  6. Because it's not their place to release his name. He is likely a minor and only his parents can make that choice. Besides what good would come of it?

    In Reply:

    They also did not say he was an adult (18 or older) so it's anyone's guess as to his age. And there was never any mention of WHEN the wedding would take place. It could very well happen AFTER Bristol turns 18. We know that she is 17, what we don't know is when her birthday is. I have searched trying to find it but have come up with nothing.

    Irregardless it's no ones business, but the families involved.

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