
His real or fake!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was Watching Criss Angel Mind freak last night and i Thought

that every single magic tricks his doing is fake.




  1. it is definately fake!!! but they want you to know that so you can trie sooooo hard to figure out how they do it!!! i love that show though it is kinda awesome!!!

  2. i think fake


  3. The tricks are real in that he is using an illusion to do them.  

  4. fake o.o

  5. of course its fake

  6. of coarse its fake thats why they call it a trick.

  7. it is magic,he cant realy levitate but he can trick your mind into thinking he can,its for entertainment not to be judged fake or real.

  8. All you other answerers give me a pain!  He is a master illusionist, an incredibly talented magician, a professional entertainer but he is not a "fake".  You all have been reading too much Harry Potter.  The man works very hard on his act.  He spends tons of time on research, he practices and rehearses until he is perfect, he puts on a fantastic show and all you can say about it is, "It's faaake!"  Phoeey on y'all.  Grow up and enjoy being "fooled" by a master, get some romance in your lives.

  9. omgsh I was too and thats still in my head. Did you see his lavitation at las vegas thats freaking crazy! But i think i don't believe in him. His a satanist.

  10. Its as fake as my first wifes extensions

  11. Criss Angel is an illusionist, which means he performs illusions. These are not truly being done, only appearing to be done.

  12. is fake is just illusions

  13. Its true,  i've met someone that can do some of the thing he's done.

  14. He does them in front of people....I do believe maybe some of his tricks are fake but not all of them.

  15. its totally fake...some stuff he does is logically impossible. hahaha

  16. You are so right. Fake!

  17. its ILLUSION!!!!

  18. I know, it seems so fake.... but it could be real, OooOoooooOoooooOoo...

    Nah. all fake.

    also answer;...

  19. Hmmmmm.............

    I think it's real!

  20. Fake

  21. I think hes fake too.

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