
Hispanic Americans and gangs question?

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I noticed this when I was in high school, most if not all the Latinos that went to my high school were in some way affiliated with a gang. They would talk about it, they would brag, they would wear colors, etc... I was absolutely shocked! Even little freshmen girls who looked really innocent talked about gangbanging, and some talked about relatives they had who were locked up or killed and so on...

what is it that draws Latinos to gangs? The whole gang culture fascinating to say the least... have there been psychological studies done on this???




  1. To better understand the reasons as to why a particular race has more numbers when involved in gangs, you would have to look at the social perspective as to why gangs form.  One of the components would be school failure/delinquency, poor performance leads to low self esteem gangs offer an "alternative school" for frustrated students to gain their self esteem. Reports indicate that Hispanics are twice as likely as African Americans to drop out.  Another component would be a form of economic gain, for those who have a Lack of Legitimate Opportunities such as immigrants, they join gangs as a resort of earning income through illegal means.  There are many more components that break down the reasons of why gangs numbers are higher in hispanics.

  2. I don't know..but, I've herd some grow up to be decent people too!

  3. What draws Hispanic Americans to gangs are people that are racist and discriminate them from society. What makes them go to gangs is that they're not welcome in America, they're seen as outcasts, and they need to survive. This is a basic sociological issue. It is shameful, I know, but it happens. Bad thing, I say... terrible.  

  4. Not all lations I know some that hate gangs.

  5. Oh, please. I doubt every latino you knew was in a gang. Its mostly the poor one who come here illegally that have to steal and sell drugs to make money but there are far more latinos in the world that aren't in gangs the the ones who are.

    If you live somewhere in California with a lot of poverty then I'll believe you, Califronia is where all the gangs from central america go to.

  6. well it depends on where you live.  in my neighbourhood we have this gang called the Insane Sk8tr Boyz and most of them are White! only some are Asian and Latino.  they are serious tho, they mean business!

  7. every latino over here is a king its like they all gang bang i dont get it

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