
Hissing Noise from Glove Compartment

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I turn off my A/C, I hear a hissing noise coming from the glove compartment. My A/C has not been blowing out cold air, and I have added refrigerant but it only lasts about a day.

So I tried using refrigerant with the UV dye to check for leaks, but alas, I did not see any leaks from any of the hoses or condenser. If I have no leaks underneath the hood, my only guess is the evaporator.

Also, I don't know if this matters but, occasionally, large chunks of compressed dirt/brown foam-like stuff would blow out from the vents inside the car - I don't know if this may point to something.




  1. you got a vacuum hose off behind the glove box probably from a  blend door,try getting to the heater box and see if you can find the one thats off it should connect to the blend door on the right side of the heater box.good luck.

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