
Historians, who do you side with, the Confederacy or the Union?

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Why? What figure stands out most in the War Between the States? Which battle do you consider the most important?




  1. Me or the majority of Americans?  It is a strange and bewildering phenomena but a majority of Americans have a Romanticized Notion that the Confederacy ought to have won and even 'black' people share this sentiment.  Most Americans can name at least 2 and as many as ten Confederate Generals but hardly any Americans can name a single Union General.  And Confederates Robert E Lee and 'Stonewall' Jackson are often cited as Patriotic Americans.  Several times I have had answers deleted by the Yamsters beause I dared to call Jefferson Davis a Traitor!!!!  Birth of a Nation and Gone with the Wind with their Southern Viewpoint were huge Hits, and when Buster Keaton made 'The General' he opted to make his hero a Rebel citing the fact that recent Civil War movies centered on Union efforts had failed at the box office.

    Knowing that this will get me a thumbs down I side with the Union I for one thought that Slavery was wrong although the Stars & Bars crowd insists that the American not so Civil War had little if anything to do with Slavery and that Slavery was not a National Issue (as if the kidnapping & beating of N^gro men on the streets of Boston was notr a National Issue).

    One man stands out.  Abraham Lincoln.  Quite bluntly a majority of Americans were sick of the South and their insistence on Slavery.  America was looking to the West and if the South East and Texas wanted to go then go already.  One man said 'No,' it was Lincoln who insisted that the Union must be preserved and who orchestrated events so that War would arise and it was Lincoln who piloted the ship of state to victory.

    Gettysberg has to stand as a proof that the South could not win and that a war of attrition would eventually result in a Union victory.  Though not a battle, as such, Sherman's March to the Sea was equally important in the scheme of things, further proof that the Union had superior resources and despite what the Stars & Bars crowd crows about, proof that there were more than a few competent Union Generals.

    Grant was a butcher but a smart general with strategic as well as tactical vision and deserves better treatment by historians.  The staff work of Halleck was better than his prickly personality allowed.  And Phill Sheridan was simply dashing.


  2. no matter whom you ask and how much they love history.most people are almost always going to say the union,for racial reasons.still a big subject today.many people don't know though that the slaves were cap by the north and sold back or enlisted in the union amy and put in front only to be killed.south was horrible as well,but too many people know bout them.

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