
Historically, has a woman ever conceived while already pregnant?

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I know that normally this shouldn't be able to happen, but has it ever happened in some weird freakish case?




  1. i just dont think that its at all possible! good question tho!

  2. Simple answer is YES!  It's called superfetation.  Although it is extremely rare in humans but it has been proven to happen.  It is usually found in animals.

  3. i read some where that this gurl had to uterus and the doctor told her that she could not have s*x because she could get prego again  while already being prego. and that it wuld kill one of the babys or's called something but i dont remember

  4. I don't think so, because when your pregnant your period stops, therefore, you couldn't concieve

  5. I have no idea, im almost certain thats impossible.

    Try Google?  

  6. I read of dizygotic (Dizygotic twins form when two separate eggs are fertilized by separate sperm.)  the eggs are fertilized at different times with two or more acts of sexual intercourse, either within one menstrual cycle or, even more rarely, later on in the pregnancy. This can lead to the possibility of a woman carrying fraternal twins with different fathers (that is, half-siblings).  Weird isn't it!!

  7. No.  When pregnant, the woman's body sends out hormones that stop ovulation.  If something went awry and it happened, the second-conceived baby would be born prematurely at the same time as the first.

  8. Actually yes and it's not really freakish to me.

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