
**History Question!?

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what does herny ford means by 'history is bunk!' ? thanks!




  1. Well DaChicke's answer is correct in so much as reprinting the whole quote BUT it hardly clarifies matters.  Despite being 'Sainted' by Modern Folks, ole Henry Ford was a 'crank,' a strange perverse person who loved to contradict just about everyone around him.  That said, though, Henry had a point - - - history is not a dry recording of facts & stats but as it is written it is a matter of interpretation & point of view, few people know little more than the 'sound bites,' the headlines, and as such history is bunk!  At the time Ford was quoted it was accepted that ; 'blacks' were inferior, the wave of European immigrants washing over the America's were 'rescuing' the region from the barbarism of a primitive backward people, etc & etc.  In other words history is constantly being rewritten and often reinterpreted therefore, yes it is 'bunk,' b-s, crapola.  


  2. it's Henry Ford first off. he meant that history is changed when he made the "V" engines instead of straight engines. and a plethora of other as well.

  3. That's a common misquote.  What Henry Ford actually said was:

    "History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's d**n is the history we make today."

    When you look at this full quote, his meaning is clear.
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