
History essay help?????

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I have to write an essay about this.... "Early humans went through many stages before civilization developed. Explain how the Neolithic revolution influenced the shift from a nomadic existence to life in a village and ultimately to a civilization. Be sure to explore the 6 basic charactaristics of civilization.(Cities, government, Social Structure, Religon, Art , Writing)" What does it mean? any essay ideas?




  1. Basically it's asking to write an essay about how civlization developed from an uncivilized Nomadic era to village living to how we live today (modern society). Here;s how I'd start your essay.

    Isn't it amazing that all of our ancestors were cave people.

    Or something that represents how drastically we've changed.

    Please answer mine;...

  2. Any GOOD essay answers 5 questions - who, what, where, when and why.

    Then its the composition of an essay;

    Introduction - 1 paragraph - a quote or statistical data is a good start.  Basically introducing to the reader what he is about to learn from your essay, through your research.

    Body - As many paragraphs to answer your who, what , when, where and whys.  Usually a good essay has 2, 3, or 4 paragraphs, enough to explain your theme/plot/basic ideas/information you learned about your subject.

    Conclusion - 1 paragraph describing briefly what you have told in your body of your essay - kinda of a re-cap.

    That's the basic essay composition - now for your subject -

    Please check out this website - it follows the exact questions you are asking - it is in outline form with needed examples, and explanations - this is the web site to provide you with an excellent essay.


    Neolithic Revolutions — beginnings of village life — beginning about 8000 B.C.E. ... a great many signs which suggests that there were earlier stages to the system. ... - 233k - Cached

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