
History of shavitribai phule in marathi in india?

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History of shavitribai phule in marathi in india?




  1. First Woman Teacher of India Krantijot Savitri Bai Phoolay,

    In the middle of 19th century one of the most respected personality, father of the Indian Social Revolution Jyoti Rao Phoolay and his life Partner Krantijot Savitri Bai Phoolay revolted against Brahminical system and hegemony of the Brahmins in all spheres of life. An incident in 1848 made young Phule aware of the inequities of the caste system and the predominant position of the Brahmins in the social set-up. As a bridegroom was being taken in a procession, Jyotiba was accompanying him along with the relatives of this friend. Upon knowing that Jyotiba belonging to "Mali" caste which was considered to be inferior. The relatives of the bridegroom insulted him for taking part in that auspicious occasion. This incident triggered young Jotirao’s impressionable mind to defy the caste system and to serve the Shudras and women who were deprived of their rights as human beings under the caste system throughout his life.

    Jotirao Phoolay and Krantijot Phoolay boldly attacked the stronghold of the Brahmins, who prevented others from having access to all the avenues of knowledge. They denounced them as cheats and hypocrites. They organised the untouchables and women and started the anti-Brahmin movement. They opened schools for the untouchables and women and gave the message of equality then high caste Hindus ostracized him and demolished his house. Phule launched a jihad against the priesthood and brahminical supremacy with a deep sense of commitment. They declared that social slavery is worst than political slavery. Phoolay wrote a book Gulamgiri for the salvation of Shudras and Ati Shudras in which he gave a clarion call to the Shudras and Ati Shudras for waging a decisive war against social system of the Hindus. They formed a Satya Sodhak Samaj for this purpose.

    Birth of SavitriBai.(Naigaon,Tha. Khandala Dist. Satara) Father's name- Khandoji Nevse, Mother's name- Laxmi. 3rd Jan.1831

    Marriage with Jotirao Phule. 1840

    Education started. 1841

    Passed third and fourth year examination from Normal school. 1846-47

    Started school with Sagunabai in Maharwada. 1847

    Country's first school for girls was started at Bhide's wada in Pune and Savitribai was nominated as the first head mistress of the school. 1 Jan.1848

    School for adults was started at UsmanSheikh's wada in Pune. Left home with Jotirao for educating Shudra and ati Shudra's . 1849

    First public Til-Gul programme was arranged by Mahila Seva Mandal. 14 Jan.1852

    Phule family was honoured by British government for their works in the field of education and Savtribai was declared as the best teacher. 16 Nov.1852

    Infanticide prohibition home was started. 28 Jan.1853

    Prize giving ceremony was arranged under the chairmanship of Major Candy. 12 Feb.1853

    "Kavya Phule"-the first collection of poems was published. 1854

    A night school for agriculturist and labourers was started. 1855

    'Lecture's of Jyotiba' was published. 25 Dec.1856

    Orphanage was started. 1863

    Opened the well to untouchables. 1868

    Adopted son of Kashibai, a Brahmin Widow's Child. 1874

    Done important work in famine and started 52 free food hostels in Maharashatra. 1876 to 1877

    Adopted son, Dr.Yashwant was married to the daughter of Sasane. 4 Feb.1889

    Death of her husband Jotirao Phule . 28 Nov. 1890

    Chairperson of Satya Shodhak Samaj Conference at Saswad. 1893

    Again famine in Maharashtra. Forced government to start relief work. 1896

    Plague epidemic in Pune.Had done social work during this hour. 1897

    Died while serving the Plague paitents during plague epidemic. 10 March 1897

    Centenary year in Maharashtra and National honour. 10 March 1997 to 98

    Government of India honoured her by publishing a postage stamp. 10 March 1998

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