
History of the world?

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where can I get a broad overview of the history of mankind from the earliest of days? also how does the Century system work, like is 1,500bc longer ago than 1,400bc, is there a chart or somewhere that lays it all out for me?




  1. Actually, Sooth Sayer has it backwards, 1400 BC is 100 years more recent than 1500 BC.

    The century "system" just is counting both ways from the year 0 (which was 2008 years ago).  So the larger the year BC the more years before zero, the larger the year AD the closer to now (farther from zero).

  2. ok..i googled all that stuff and i need more info. what exactly do you to know about the history of manking

    and what do you mean by centry sysem?


  4. The Story of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant is a multi - volume set that has withstood the test of time and is 'readable'.


  5. I had to read this book for a early civilizations class in college, and it really helps.

    also you don't want to buy the books so here is the student website for that book

  6. Your question is too broad to be answered specifically.

    To answer the obvious question, 1400 bc is a hundred years before 1500 bc.

    More to the point, histories are some times determined by religion.

    The year 2008 started with the year 0-1 following the death of Jesus.

    Islam's calendar is determined by the birth of Mohamed.

    Judaism is determined by the day the earth was created/or humans and is determined to last 6,000 years (current year 5758).

    Buddhism, Hinduism, have other markers.

    History of mankind is another marker and you may want to read a bit about anthropology.

    American Indians say their history began 15-20,000 years ago.
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