
History question... please help?

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it has been said that in order to gain something we must often give up something what might we need to give up in order to give effect to the phrase "all men are created equal"

a) any claim that we might be better than someone else because of our talents.

b)any claim that we might have to special honors or privileges based on race.

c) any claim that we might be better than someone else because of our accoplishments.

d) any claim that we might be better than someone else because or our education

D) none of the above




  1. The phrase should read " everyone has an equal right to pursue happiness" then what does it matter about talent, race, education or accoplishments ?  and the answer is "D"

  2. b

  3. d.

  4. None of the above.

      All men are initially "created" equal.  As in all men are born of woman and equal in the eyes of the lord, and should be in the eyes of society.  

    Time and experience changes that with the ideas expressed in answers A-C.

    When that phrase was written it was in regards to race and it meant that all men regardless of color were God's creation and thus equal.  

    In that sense the phrase still applies so I don't think anything needs to be given up because the word "created" is key.

  5. definitely B

    "Created" being the key word.  When we are all first created, at birth, we belong to a race.  We have no talent, we have no education and we have accomplished nothing.

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