
History questions 10pts?

by Guest62959  |  earlier

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1. which mountain range acts as a boundary between the continents of Europe and Asia?

2.Which mountain range formed when the plate containing the Indian subcontient bumped into the contient of Asia?

3.Which imaginary line of latitude dividers the earth's Northern and Southern hemispheres?In which two hemispheres can North America be found?

4. what body of water does the Amazon empty into?

5.what large island is located off the eastern coast of africa?




  1. The mountain range between europe and asia is the Himialyas.

    the amazon enters the antlanic ocean

    The island located east of africa is Madagascar

  2. 1. The oural in Russia

    2. The hymalaya

    3. The equator

    4. The atlantic ocean

    5. Madagascar and Reunion Island

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