
History records several Presidents worse than Carter,but was there ever a President worse than the present one

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or could there ever be again? Seems impossible, doesn't it?




  1. What is so bad about our current president?  I now feel safe from terrorist, we aren't being taxed to death, unemployment is in better shape than it was 8 years ago and My family is generally better off economically than we were when Clinton was in office.  I seriously doubt that any of those things will be the case if Sen. Hussein Obama or Sen. Clinton are elected to office. It is obvious that many people don't stop and think, they just jump on the bash Bush bandwagon. Many who know very little about the state of this nation seem to think it is the " enlightened, cool" thing to do. Scary!

  2. I would hope there will never be a president worse than our current one but you never know.  I feel many people base their opinions just off the television news and newspapers which appear to be based off headlines and ratings rather than fair, impartial opinions. You hear people regurgitating false rumors/news stories all the time and they really do believe what they are saying.  Also the values of the country seem to be more selfish than many years ago.  It is all about what is best for one instead of all.

  3. I like the current president.  He has done pretty good with what Clinton left him to work with.

  4. It does not matter where you are in the world - what papers you pick up and read - what TV news one listens too, it would seem that every one has a knife to stick into ol' George.  Have you never considered the possibility that the world's press have done so much negative PR work on the poor old geezer that we all believe him to be a disaster. I do not think that history will show the man as being that bad at all. Now I remember Carter and Johnson and Daddy Bush. They were not so hot - but in those days media was freer of commercial ties and shall we say somewhat fairer and perhaps we all had a little more time to sit back and reflect, rather than having an opnion formed by what some Murdoch minion had been told to write or say rather than what he may have thought.

  5. Before I can answer the question, you need to tell me what Presidents are worse than Carter and why, and what is your source, else your question has no merit.

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