
History says that Henry VIII had illegitimate children. Were any of these children recognized?

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I know that these children would not be considered royals, but did he recognize any of these children such as bestowing titles and land.




  1. Henry Fitzroy was married to a daughter of Thomas Howard, the Duke of Norfolk.

  2. Henry VIII was reputed to have five illegitimate children by different women, and only one illegitimate son that he recognized. Henry FitzRoy, 1st Duke of Richmond and Somerset (15 June 1519–18 June 1536) was the illegitimate son of King Henry VIII and his teenage mistress, Elizabeth Blount.

    Henry VIII had nine legitimate offspring between his first two wives Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn, however, only two daughters from each of his wives survived from infancy. Desperately for a male heir, when Elizabeth Blount’s gave birth to his first born healthy boy who survived into his teenage years, Henry was overjoyed that he decided to create his only son Earl of Nottingham and Duke of Richmond and Somerset on 16 June 1525.

    Born in Blackmore, Essex, Richmond was raised like a prince at Sheriff Hutton Castle in Yorkshire. His father had a particular fondness for him and took great interest in his upbringing. At one point, there was talk of making him the King's legitimate heir, the more so since Henry VIII had yet to have a legitimate son. Richmond was made Lord President of the Council of the North and Warden of the West, Middle and East Scottish Marches.

    The Crown of Ireland Act 1542 established a personal union between the English and Irish crowns, providing that whoever was king of England was to be king of Ireland as well, and so its first holder was King Henry VIII of England. This was after the plan to make the Duke of Richmond and Somerset, King of Ireland, had fallen through upon his death.

    However, the young boy did not survive long after receiving his honour at the age of 17, he died of tuberculosis. Henry didn’t stay sad for the loss of his only son too long since his future son Edward VI was born four months later.

  3. Aside from the Princesses Mary, daughter of Catherine of Aragon, and Elizabeth, daughter of Anne Boleyn, who were alternately acknowledged and disinherited, Henry VIII acknowledged Elizabeth Blount's son, Henry Fitzroy, making him Duke of Richmond in 1625--one step short of legitimacy. Henry may have sired two illegitimate children, Catherine and Henry, by Mary Boleyn, Anne's sister, but he never recognized them.

    P. S. It's "Kilroy was here" not "Fitzroy was here"!

  4. Henry VIII had three children that became the reigning monarch in England.  All three were by his marriages.

    --->Marriage to Catherine of Aragon (1st wife) produced two different children named Henry, Duke of Cornwall...both of whom died shortly after birth.  Then they had Mary, who late became Queen Mary I (also known as Bloody Mary)

    --->Marriage to Anne Boleyn (2nd wife) produced Elizabeth who late became Queen Elizabeth I after his sister Queen Mary I died in 1558.  Two other children were born, Henry Tudor and Edward Tudor both who died within 1 day of their birth.

    --->Marriage to Jane Seymour (3rd wife) produced Edward who late became King Edward VI when he was only nine years old.  He actually ruled before Mary or Elizabeth (his half sisters).

    Now we get into the illeg. children.  Henry did acknowledge one out of the 5 he was rumored to have.

    Henry acknowledged his illegitamate child with an Elizabeth Blount.  Their son was Henry Fitzroy Duke of Richmond and Somerset (A title bestowed upon him by his father)

  5. Yes. The last name Fitzroy means Kings son and was employed for illegitimate children. To my knowledge they were granted inheritances through out all the monarchs reigns and Henry was no exception.

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