
History <span title="question??????????????????????">question?????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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List and explain any political, economic, geographic, social similarities between Rome and Greece?




  1. You asked a question. In History.  So why did you waste the visible part of your question on &quot;History question???&quot; ? There was plenty of room to at least mention you needed to compare Greece and Rome.  Now I had to waste my time clicking onto you actual question, when I could easily have known from the list if I could help you.

    Well, I know a bit:  They were both nations with a large coastline on the Mediterranean, hence seaports and trade.  The base of their economies.   That&#039;s geographic and economic.

    They were politically dissimilar, especially later Rome.  

  2. They had some similarities in the religion part which would go under Social similarities.

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