
History - the World wars?

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i have always wondered - how the h**l did germany become a superpower at the time the second world war came round?

in the first world war, they were restricted and destroyed. Their economy was totalled, and they were limited on the number of soldiers and no fly zones. But i just cant understand how they became a super power after being subjected to a heavy defeat in world war 1?




  1. After Germany's economic collapse in 1923, the United States intervened and gave aid to Germany by way of the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan.

    The 1920s also saw general reconciliation across Europe, with exchange trips between France and Germany culminating in the Locarno treaties to normalise relations between the former warring powers and Germany joining the League of Nations. By the late 1920s Europe was looking rosy and Germany's recovery through increased trade.

    Then the Wall Street Crash and the resulting worldwide depression saw an end to all that. Germany struggled agian but then so did all of western Europe.

    The n***s came to power and introduced drastic measures to revive the economy, outlawing unions, fixing prices and developing mass production. Re-arming from 1935 also produced jobs and wealth in munitions factories.

    So the answer is that there were two recoveries. The 1920s with the help of the USA and general European detente, and the 1930s with drastic fascist economic measures along with rearmament.

  2. Germany began re-arming in secret after the n**i party came to power and the Depression had hit. May countries were tired still from the war and economically could not afford to go to war again. A whole generation had been decimated. There was also, perhaps, a little bit of guilt among some of the victorious powers at the burdensome terms of the treaties which ended WWI. So some turned a blind eye. By the time Germany came into the open with its military might it was too late to be stopped.

    Just my understanding, not necessarily accurate! Lol!

  3. The Treaty of Versaille essentially ended World War 1.  It imposed strict and crippling restrictions upon Germany both from an economic and military viewpoint.  When Hitler came to power, the German people had been suffering under the conditions of both the Treaty of Versaille and the world depression for many years.  Hitler simply ignored the restrictions placed upon Germany and rebuilt the country both economically and militarily.  The rest of Europe, stood by and did nothing.  They were both afraid of a new war and had severe economic problems of their own.

  4. When Hitler came to power he largely ignored the treaty restrictions. He trained large numbers of soldiers in what was called work parties. They used all kinds of euphemisms for military functions and equipment to hide it from the world. They even did much of their training and development inside the Soviet Union! Then, once Germany was powerful enough they started openly ignoring the treaty, but nobody wanted to go to war again, so it was years before they started to object in any serious way. And by then it was far too late.

  5. Hitler made Germany a great country then he f***t up

  6. Hitler rebuilt military and their ecomany. Then he started the war to reclaim what they had lost i WWI

  7. As horrible as the Holocaust was it was actually good for the economy which was part of Hitler's plan, use slave labor to work for Germany.  This was a big part of how he rebuilt the economy and was able to rebuild the military as well.

  8. Stupid hitler brain washed people into thinking germany was gonna be rich and powerful if they got rid of jews and hitler just made germans wanna become powerful

    stupid n***s

  9. Yep. Germans did it more than once. Reduced to dust in severail ocasions and rised as a magnific empire, with strong culture and science. Persuiting the ideal of excellence instead to complain about the setbacks.

    Discipline, large amount of richness from the seizure of the banks - which origin drove the Germany into the Chaos during the 20s and early 30s, well organized state and well oriented goals.

  10. They didn't. They became a superpower by gradually breaking limits that the Versailles Treaty set down. (Like building an army more than 100,000 strong) By the time Hitler came in, Germany was ready to roll. He just put More money into the army and stopped paying the reparations....

  11. Hitler seized complete control and rearmed the German country.  How they stabilized the economy is anybody's guess but it's apparent they managed it somehow.  Anyway, I'm taking a shot in the dirt by saying that the government probably stimulated the economy.

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