
Hit & Run on Condo Private Parking! HELP ASAP PLEASE!?

by Guest59578  |  earlier

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I parked my car on a private parking area & came back to see that the bumper was dented. No notes were left. what should i do? i called the office of the parking area & they had no cameras around the area i parked :(. Will the police be able to track down who did it? There were no witnesses/cameras. please help. thanks!!!




  1. The police is not going to track down for you. The best they can do is file a police report and you can report to your insurance company as hit and run.  Hopefully your insurance premium won't go up on your next renewal.

  2. Unless there were witnesses or camera proof, the police cannot do anything about it - Report the damage to the police then claim the damage on your insurance to have it fixed - if left for too long, it could rust etc and also reduces the value of your car if damage when you come to sell it.

    In the future i suggest (and it is what i do) When parking the car, take down the number plates of the cars either side of you and the three cars directly behind you - that way if there is any damage there is a high possibility it was one of the cars you took number plate details for and you can track them down to have them pay the insurance claim for the damage

    hope this helps!!

  3. youve got nothing for the police to track anybody down on.

    welcome to life.

  4. Sorry, you are out of luck.

    The police really will not spend more than 5 minutes on your case.  They will not track down witnesses, etc.  That just on TV and only with big (murder) cases.

    That is why people spend the money on insurance.

    good Luck...

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