
Hit and Run, Help!!?

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My car was in my driveway and some kids hit the mailbox in the next driveway over. My car was hit by the pole of this mailbox and I have 1400 dollars worth of damage on my door, the screws poked holes through the door, and my frame is bent. I think the car had the pole attached to the front bumper because, its like 30-40 feet from the mailbox to my driveway.

My neighbors havent answered their door, I think they may be out of town. But I have to pay the 500 $ deductible, am I responsible for this, or is there a way to get their homeowners insurance to pay for it (since it was their property)? I know everyone keeps telling me their homeowners insurance should kick in.

I dont really know the neighbors, so im not afraid of stepping on any toes, and I only bring home 1000-1200 a month (its been a slow month and im a server) so thats half my months pay to fix it. Then I also need to get a rental car to cover my rides to an from work because the place fixing my car said itd take 5 days.




  1. Contact the police and try to find out who the kids are - they are responsible and should be the ones to pay.

  2. The neighbors homeowners insurance is not responsible.  I hope you or someone, called the police for this accident. Since it was a hit and run, you have little choice but to use your own insurance to have your car fixed.  The way it works is: You pay your insurance company your collision deductible, they pay to repair your car.  Then your company goes after the hit and run driver.  If they find him and they collect from him, your deductible will be returned to you.  If they don't find him or can't collect.  You are out your $500.00 deductible but your car is repaired

  3. In a problem like this, it is you who will have to pay the cost of repair.  Your neighbors didn't put the mail  box there with the intention of it being used to damage your car.  Most home-owner's insurance companies will not pay for this.  You "might" be able to turn it in on your policy.  Call an agent for your insurance and ask about this.  If a tree falls in your neighbor's yard and damages your car in your yard, they are not liable at all.

  4. That does NOT sound correct.  It is the person RESPONSIBLE who pays, not who property that was knocked over and hit your car.

    The person responsible is the person who knocked down the mailbox.


    If a person picked up a rock from your garden and broke a window, do you think you should be responsible because the rock was yours (assuming witness saw this)?

    Sorry to disappoint.

    Good Luck...
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