
Hit and Run. No police report. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I have a financed 03 Nissan Altima and when i was picking up my girlfriend at work, she noticed I had a huge dent on my passenger side door. I had no idea that was there. I had the car parked outside for like 4 days without using it so i have no idea when it was hit during those days. I have full coverage insurance. Does insurance company need a police report? I haven't filed a police report because im afraid they might think i hit the car myself somehow. What should I do?




  1. Well u can't do anything cuz u have no proof it was a hit n run, but if you have accident forgivness u might get some paper and get it fixed.

  2. If you lodge the claim as hit and run, or say that someone else damaged the car somehow, you will need to give a police report, as it is a criminal offence.

    The police wouldnt care one way or another if you did it yourself, somone hit you, or if aliens teleported a cow onto the street and it headbutted your car.

    Go to the station and make a report, telling them exactly what you know, no more, no less. Dont say hit and run, explain the situation to them.

    You parked your car, went to work, came back, picked up your GF and she noticed the dent.

    That is what they will report, and thats all the insuance company will need.

  3. File a police report, they aren't going to think you hit it yourself, you obviously didn't right? I would call your insurance company, ask them about it, if they need a report, file one.

  4. You don't need a police report ....You simply call your agent and submit a claim....Then they will probably send you to someone that they deal with that does body work, paint and so on.....But you will be responsible for paying your deductible....And in some cases it can raise your premium's depending on your driving record and if you've had any prior accident's yourself....

  5. I believe a police report would have had to be reported within 24 hours.  It doesn't hurt to call and talk to them about it though.

  6. You will need a police report . If it was parked comprehensive will maybe cover it.

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