
Hit and i ran?

by  |  earlier

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if i hit a parked car in my work parking lot and just left is there anyway for them to find out it was me??




  1. What a wonderful person you are.

    There are lots of ways for them to find out. Video camera,witness,matching damage on your car.

    Hit and run is a punishable offense. Why didn't you just own up to it?

  2. Yes....If it was my car that was hit, I would...

    1. check for paint transfer on my car, so I'd know what color vehicle I was looking for

    2. I'd ask co-workers if they recalled what cars where parked close by

    3. I'd look at other cars in the parking lot over the next week or so, checking for damage that matched up to mine.

    4. Is there video surviellence????

  3. if you hit and ran, you already commited the offense, it is irreversable now... just SAY NOTHING to anyone and hope there was no camera or witness, chances are if your 48 hours after the fact, it's pretty much an indication that they don't know who did it...

    I wouldn't take my car back to the scene if it has matching damage.... Good Luck, thats what we pay insurance for, however if the person doesn't carry comprehensive, collision...they will be S.O.L.

    If you have a Commercial License, your license will be revoked for leaving the scene of an accident if your caught...

  4. Depending on your state and city, it could be punishment's as little as suspension of driver's license and a fine - or much as jail sentence.  That what that actress got in Cali last year.

    And if they have a video camera and they can identify you, you are in c**p load of trouble.

    Good Luck...

  5. Well, yes.  They can match up damage, or maybe someone saw you and wrote down your plate.

  6. you need to change your name to....oh never mind..i don't want a violation

  7. yes the video camera , and if anybody saw it you would be slaoed with a felony
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