
Hit and run? did i? really confused?

by  |  earlier

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what consider hit and run, how can they say that you hit and run? do you have to sign some paper to consider hit and run, i mean you hit and run not someone hit your car. i have the situation that in parking plot.a guy told me to come in, i thought so and then go in, but he say he didnt and then i say sorry, i didn't hit him, actually i hit the trolley and he yelling and i stop the car, okie, surely he don't speak english, did i hit and run, i didn't sign anypaper or anything, the car have no evidence to show that i hit or anything




  1. That is considered a hit and run.

    Being or involving the driver of a motor vehicle who leaves the scene of any type of accident with involvement of his or her vehicle., especially one in which a pedestrian or another vehicle has been struck.

  2. maybe you shouldnt be driving yet your confused about what your doing... hit and run is when you hit something and drive a way

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