
Hit by a person with no car insurance, now what?

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I was rear ended by a kid that has no car insurance. He license was also suspended because of this. I called the police and filed a report with my insurance company. Do I have other options?

I feel I should not put out a cent as I was not at fault. I have to pay my deductible and I know my insurance will go up, no matter what they say...




  1. You have choices.  You can either pay your deductible and have all of your losses paid by your insurance ( the insurance you bought for just such an incident) or pay for everything yourself, hire a lawyer and  sue the kid to try and get your money back.  Which choice do you think is wisest ?

  2. Too bad, Your insurance will pay for your damages, then they will go after the kid/parents. You will need to sue him to get your deductibles back.

    I agree that you shouldn't have to pay anything, but unfortunately that's not the way it works.

  3. determine what all your damages are i.e., insurance deductible, amount your insurance will go up, rental car, any injuries you have,  etc. and sue the kid, his parents AND THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE CAR.  In most states you have 1 year form the date of the accident to do this.   Depending on the amount you can probably do this in small claims court.

  4. Scott H is right - I've spend almost 3 K (or right at it) for my auto accident - that was October and I ain't seen a red cent back yet :(

    Although we made some headway & agreed upon a price for my car 6 weeks ago - all it is is six weeks of "the check is in the mail"  


    Being the victim SUCKs

  5. a ***** aint it....i hope you had uninsured coverage...if not sueing him/his parents is the only way...sorry

  6. See if the kid will pay. If not, take him to court.

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