
Hit in car accident a month ago.Now have back pain, headaches, muscles stiff and flinching.Do i need a doctor?

by Guest64653  |  earlier

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Xray showed normal but could the bones have become misaligned over a months time?

now also have arthiritis symptoms.

will all this heal over time?

can a doctor do anything besides give me pain meds?




  1. you need a doctor. Ask him if he could recommend you to a therapist.

  2. I would say yes. You can sustain injuries that aren't immediately noticeable. Sometimes they don't show up for months-even years. Once you are under a doctors care continue visits.

  3. Maybe he'll give you physical therapy

  4. Please find a good Chiropractor.  A DC can do much more than give you pills.  This will probably improve over time on its own.  The body has miraculous ways of compensating for injuries.  This unfortunately can cause other problems down the line.  If you were xrayed by the emergency room i would suggest you get a copy of those and take them to a DC.  Sometimes an MD just doesn't get the concept of treating the cause of the illness instead of the symptom.  

  5. Have you thought about wearing a SACROILIAC BELT  (aka SI BELT or TROCHANTER BELT) around your pelvis? What it does is that by providing the correct balance of resistance and resilience, the SI belt re-establishes the joint’s normal motion,  thus relieves stress and instability at these weight bearing structures.

    The price of SI belts are in reasonable range these days, average cost is about $40 USD. I know a lot of people who wear SI belts, and I've read some astonishing testimonials about it. There are many SI belts out there, but Serola SI Belt seems to be the best one as far as quality, comfort, and price are considered. Check out their website for more:

    I think you can buy directly from their website at:

    Hope it helps, good luck to you!

  6. YES, you DO need a doctor.

    And it MAY go overtime, but it'll be better if you visit one.

    A doctor can do stuff besides giving pain meds

    take care


  7. You should ask your MD about physical therapy!

  8.   yes, go see a chiropractor, asap. it will help.

  9. i have been in  car accidents before and sometimes symptoms dont come until a month later, your body probably is just seeing signe and you need to get checked out and depending on what is bothering will they be able to say what meds beside pain killers you can have to help with your pain, and you should see a doctor immediately cause there cause be some serious issues that have surfaced and with no medical help you will continue to have these problems and maybe worse over the years

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