
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Question... please?

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I haven't read the book yet, but I will... In the movie they say that humans were the 3rd most intelligent beings on Earth, dolphins were second. Who was first???

Thanks in advance!!!




  1. the first were........mice, honest!

  2. Mice

  3. white mice - don't base the books on that sh*t that came out as a movie , the books are a thousand times better , even the TV series and radio series were better than that c**p

  4. They didn't do a bad job on the movie in my opinion. People tend to forget that HHGTTG has been many different things, the radio series, the tv series, the computer game, the books and the movie. Each time they have differed slightly.

    And yes, in answer to the question, the most intelligent were mice...

  5. Mice. I love that whole series, it's like the best!

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