
Hitchhiking in canada?

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is it against the law and what is the fine if it is?




  1. Police officers stop and question hitchhikers because in many cases they are on the computer as "wanted " or they are under age runaways. Both are subject to arrest, on the spot.

    The Ontario Provincial Police have a large number of unsolved homicides that were hitchhikers. In the past 20 years, there are at least  100 of them, mostly young girls. Easy pickings, for a killer.

    Don't do it.

    Jim B. Toronto.

  2. it depends on the province or city's not a federal law...but it's not wise to hitchhike anywhere

  3. It is very much against the law here in Northern Ontario, mainly on the highways, even ones that are not 400 series. I live off of the 17 West, and see police picking up hitchhikers on a daily basis trying to make their way to Sudbury. Not only is it dangerous, because you never know who will pick you up, and Canada does have a few wackos, but also because transports travel at high speeds and the majority of our highways up here are dimly lit, if at all, and two lanes still. Buy a bus or rail ticket. Better to be safe than sorry.  

  4. Have to agree with KB. If it is not against the law, it should be. Too many horror stories attached to something that started out being a great opportunity.

  5. not against the law, but somepolice officers might stop to talk to you and make sure your being safe. but they wont ticket you. The friendliest place to hitc hike is in the Jasper/Banff areas and BC

  6. To hitchhike is not illegal, but in many Canadian provinces, picking up a hitchhiker is illegal, particularly in British Columbia.  Some highways and major roads also forbid pedestrians.  In Canada, the best places to hitchhike are probably the maritime provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, P.E.I., and Newfoundland) because of their rural, friendly nature.

  7. If it isn't against the law, it should be. I say that with a great deal of regret. Back in the early 1960s I (and a huge number of us who were teens and young adults then) hitch hiked across and around Canada. Many of us would never have seen the country otherwise. Then the wackos started to show their ugly faces and ugly behaviour by raping, robbing and murdering. It ended up being a two way street with hitch hikers sometimes being the victims and sometimes being the perps.

    Better you save up and take a safer way of seeing the country than see it for cheap and end up a victim and statistic.

  8. It's not against the law but it is not at all safe, particularly for women.
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