
Hitler and gypsies Irony. Why do Caucasians use the term Aryan?

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Hitler killed gypsies because he thought Germans were Aryans, In reality Gypsies are aryans and the Germans are not Aryans they are caucasians, why do Caucasians use the term Aryan?




  1. well hitler was wrong. wrong wrong wrong, lets get over him and progress!

  2. Hitler became interested in the origins of the Deutsch, and Teutonic peoples, and decided by a study of language, that they originated in India, (which is where he got the idea to use the Swastika: it still is common in India, and was for many hundreds of years before the n**i party was formed, and turned it into a symbol synonymous with racism, and evil) and decided that way that the term "Aryan" was the most appropriate.

  3. Most of have taken the word of Historians (who manage to intrude our school books when we are young and have no options but to cram everything up to pass the Exams. Eventually if we tend to believe those lies and half truths. Just because of color of one's skin you cannot determine the culture/race one is related to when there has been intermixing of people across and wide. Though I being kind of Fair skinned have always wondered about this sucker of a theory of  dominant Aryans invasion. I wonder if they really came from a far place and pushed Dravidians down south  Would they have really obtained the culture, traditions of the natives when they were the intruders/aggressors? And the people in the North India are some what "Fair ompared to many in the South. If anyone is aware of Geography. In North of India It gets cold in winters to the extent of -3degree Celcius. In the Himaliyan region needless to say (god knows how many degrees below freezing temp). The south has a very hot humind tropical climate  If so called darker Dravidians where original inhabitants of the north before "Aryan invasion I would have to say it would have been the Single place on the Earth where snow fell on Dark skinned people.  Yes India had to go through a number of invasions from different tribes and (races) and the mixing of different races from Middle East or Far across is true. But the Aryan thing is piece of c**p educated upon us by the ruling British which were carying on most of the exacvation work when they were ruling India. They also tried to take advantages of the some corruptions in Hinduism namely the Caste system. Peope made to think anything that was great about/ the fair skin or some development in the country  was due to Aryans who came from west.They were masters at "Divide and Rule". The Indian suncontinent was partitioned by them due to this.  In today's time let us all try to be one there are already enough controversies in the world and people have suffered endlessly due to this blo ody race factor.People like Hitler have already done enough to corrupt the minds of the coming generations.

  4. I believe sometimes that Hitler murdered Romany and travellers alongside other minority groups to give focus to the economic deluge Germany was under at that particular time.  A focus for the alienated german nationals, who were becoming disallusioned with their leaders. As for the term Aryan, I only know that they were a tribe who entered Northern India..possibly to do with Hinduism. I don't believe that Gypsies were from the lowest caste either.personally I imagine the word as being 'of pure blood' but with no specific origin. Gypsy is often attributed to Egyptian. A mysterious group whose heirarchy were light skinned and the majority of the pop' dark skinned...

  5. Aryan was a term derived from ancient India and the swastika is an ancient Indian symbol. Aryan is used because these ancients Indians were originally Europeans that conquered the east, hence the, " master race". Aryan perhaps is not an appropriate word because Hitler was propagating the superiority of the Germanics hence the Nordics. Iranian and North Indians can claim there ancestors from the Aryans but are no longer pure due to racial admixture. The Nordic master race would be much more appropriate.

  6. This demonstrates that not only was Adolf.H a homicical meglomaniac but also a dumbass anthropologically speaking  as many people still are today

  7. aryans was used in that time to pinpoint old heritage but not from semitic heritage (meaning you come from and old tradition that goes back to the holy book but you don´t come from jews). Also aryan meaned honorable, so hitler just used the term to express it as the better race and then place it on his people, it would be as calling the best new car in the market the new cadillac even if it is not a cadillac just to express it has the better qualities of the time.

    By the way hitler wasn´t blue eyed or blond, and neither were most of his generals, German population baseline changed in a rather extreme way after ww1 and even more after ww2 very diferent people and very diferent genetics patterns lie there right now. Actually I would accept that right now germany and the more nothern countries have a very interesting demographics that would work better to the ends of cleansing old genetics strands (even more with the current living standards in those areas, wich were pretty bad in the post war germany hitler took command of). But anyway who cares for that nowadays...

  8. The aryan brotherhood were built on similar white supremicist beliefs as hitler, so why is it hard to understand?

  9. Gypsies aren't Aryan, they come from the Punjab area, so Caucasian but not Aryan. The Aryans moved down into their territory from Iran and central Europe.

    Iranians are a much better match for the earliest Aryans, the name is from the same root word (Aryan/Iranian).

  10. It may go back to Hitler's belief that the master race is the blond hair blue eyed.  He may have reference Aryan to go with it.

  11. Aryan is a non existent tribe of people. Hitler wasted millions after millions in getting his so-called scientists to fabricate proof that this "Aryan race" of his really existed. Just so he would have a reason to justify his acts.

    I'm Caucasian (assuming that means European) and I've *never* used the term unless I was referring to Hitler's imaginary race.

  12. You are mistaken. Gypsys are NOT Arians. Actually their genetic make up is similiar to that of the Dravidians - the inhabitants with very dark skin and hair of Deccan. They are pre-Arian population of India. As a matter of fact the only ones that could have pretentions to carry Arian blood are the high castes in India. And as we all know the gypsys belong to the caste of 'shudra' - the lowest social group in India.

    Arians were part of the Indo-Europeans that inhabitated part of Eurasia - Germans and almost all of today nations are their  decendants.

    O, and to answer to your addition. The gypsys that live today in Europe have a little lighter skin than the common population in Decan because they mixed with the European Caucasians. But the genetic evidences are that they are more similiar to the Dravidians than to the Caucasians. And they are NOT Arians - because as I said only the high castes can pretend to have a small part of the DNA of the Anciant Arians.

    As for the high castes in India - they have dark skin because during the centuries after Arian invasion in India - 1500 B.C. - the Arians have begun to mix with the dark skinned population. I am sure that many of the members of the high castes in India would be outraged to learn this FACT but the truth is that Arians have been a handfull of warriors. In some moment they began to mix with the conquered population.

    And yes in some moment gypsys succeeded to fall out even from the caste of 'shudra' - that's why they have been so desprised from the others and forced to leave.

    Addition - Funny how many gypsys today deny their identity. Have you ever read anything about the genetic make up of the gypsys in Romania or Bulgaria? They have come to these countries in 15 century and have lived in isolated groups. If so then you should have know that there are genetic prooves that they are NOT Europeans. As for the Lambadi - I have to confess that I have never ever heard of them.

    When I was in India the last autumn I spoke with many Indians from the high castes - one of them was the owner of the house I had rented for a month and they all were very interested in history and you know what? They all spoke about the gypsys in Europe as quote 'the shudras'.

    Tell me if the gypsys haven't been 'shudra' and are the real Arians, why all the others can't stand them?

    But think logically - If the Lambadi are the real decendants of the Arians why aren't they in the social top? After all the Arians have been the conquerers of India.

    Have you ever study in a University? Do you know what a hard work is to prove a certain theory in the history? How many evidences are needed so you can stand up and tell your theory to the other scientists? And you have the nerve to tell me that all that is written by the leading scientists is wrong?

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