
Hitting Womans?

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Why is it okay for a girl to hit man, but not for a man to hit a woman?? if womans what equality and stuff, shouldn'y they man up and take a punch? I for one don't mind being beten bye a men.




  1. How about we just teach not to hit? Good grief it 2008 people. Can me please learn other ways of sorting out issues?

    If a woman injures a man - she'll get in trouble (assuming it's reported). However if we're talking mass generalities of people, which it seems like you are, a woman will have to work MUCH harder to truly disable a man (i guess other than kicking him in the balls). Your average man, with one punch to the face can kill an average woman (a little extreme, but by no means rare). Even if he doesn't kill her, she'll need medical attention.

    And while I firmly believe women can defend themselves, I've taken many a defense class and have gotten in scraps myself - nature favors men. THIS Is why men are taught not to hit women. In the heat of the moment, tempers flair up, and a man can do SERIOUS damage without meaning to. This rule is actually, in my opinion, to protect most men from doing harm they don't intend.

    Overall i just say, lets all be adults and keep our hands to ourselves :-)


    Braun- I don't think I actually made that argument, so that fact that your comment is addressed to me, I find a little baffling. And yes women CAN endure much more internal pain - having all the bones shattered in your face, and your nose bone forced through your brain is not "internal pain."

    Men handle external pain - cuts, bruises, bones - much better than women do. Women handle organ problems, muscle problems, and diseases and infections better than men.

    Now these observations are MASSIVE generalities. I mean...only when taking the 6+ billion people on the planet do these generalizations TEND to be true. Which is why I didn't make this point in this discussion.

    Regardless of how fast the woman heals from the injury, its a much more proven generalization that your average man will do much more damage per same energy used to a woman then a woman to a man. I could punch you in the face, and it would most likely hurt, and i might even break A bone. You could punch me in the face and it is a very real possibility that I would be hospitalized.

    Like I said, i feel the rule of thumb is more to protect men from doing more damage than they mean. If it's ingrained in you to not hit women, you won't accidently commit manslaughter.

    I'm for neither party hitting either, and I was always raised to hit anyone boys or girls. I was ALSO specifically raised to never kick a man in the crotch unless my life was in danger - something i think more little girls need to be taught. I know a lot of girls and woman who think its funny, which is just sick and wrong to me - it's not funny, it's physcial assault

  2. You don't mind being punched by a man? Well I do. I would also mind a woman hitting my boyfriend. Jesus.

  3. Men are ALOT stronger then women. Even if they do not try to hurt you it hurt BAD. If you don't mind getting beaten by men you must be HUGE.

  4. Ask the last girl who hit me if it turned out to be "okay".




    "Your average man, with one punch to the face can kill an average woman (a little extreme, but by no means rare). Even if he doesn't kill her, she'll need medical attention. "

    How so Tara? I thought women could take so much more physical pain then men? Wasn't that one of the arguments many of you came up with?

  5. It may be "equal" for a man to hit a woman if a woman can hit a man but it is certainly not fair.

    My reasons are based on empirical evidence NOT moral or ethical reasons. So because men are on average naturally larger than women it would not be fair to hit them since it is likely you would do more harm to them than they would you.

    Btw I assume you're a troll

    Edit: apologies, well as I said it's because it isn't fair that he should do that. It's like the old adage "pick on someone your own size" except I suppose society pushed that to mean don't hit anyone who is on average regarded as weaker i.e. children (even massive ones)

  6. I agree.

  7. Just like I learned when I was 3 years old:  Hitting is bad.

  8. Uh, no civilized human being hits others.

    Anyone who hits another person should be arrested for assault.

  9. why? silly biases involving the old ideas of chivalry, the idea that women are weaker (true, but why dont they complain when small guys get hit?). ive seen it in real life, a small guy hit a big dude (bouncer actually) dude got owned, everyone around just rolled thier eyes and thought the dude was an idiot. yet if a women hits a guy and he hits back, they all say abuser, violent a*****e stuff like that. basically its just silly.

  10. It is wrong and immoral for a man to hit a woman, ALWAYS. To those who think that it is never ok for a man to hit a man, well, that is just Utopian dreaming and a lack of a grip on the real world and I am guessing you have never traveled outside of the US or Europe, it could be the year 5000 and wars will still happen and violence will still go on, it is just the nature of things.

  11. If I would be single youd have a good spanking coming ;). Actually in theory violence is always wrong, the difference is violence of women against men is being laughed at.

  12. Men can't hit women because men are bigger than women.  Sorry, but that is just how society works.

  13. Violence by any s*x can never be justified.

  14. It's not okay for a girl to hit a guy.  If I hit my husband, I could be arrested for domestic abuse.  I understand what you are saying though, there is much more emphasis on why men shouldn't ever hit women.  Frankly, men are usually physically stronger than women, therefore this is unfair in itself.  I look at it the same way as I look at a parent hitting their child...the child is too small to defend itself and I suppose in many cases this is true with women.  That's all I can come up with.

  15. most women hit like girls! where as a man could kill a woman with one punch!

  16. It is not OK for either one to hit the other.  There was a case of a somewhat famous major league pitcher (I think with the Cleveland Indians), who had his wife arrested for domestic violence. She struck him.  Her father noted that since he was 6'7" and 245 pounds and she only whatever, that their case of dv was not really dv.

    But the courts / law had another opinion.  I see what her father was getting at, but what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

  17. If a woman hits a man first, then he has a perfect right to hit back.  There is no reason why any man should let himself be used as a punch bag by a woman.

  18. I've never been told it was okay for a woman to hit a man.//////////      What happened to the last girl who hit you Braun?

  19. Abuse of power by men or women is wrong.  Men and women are never equal.  They are both human and must respect that or they are abusing their power.

  20. I don't think the problem is the physical act of "hitting" so much as the level of damage caused. If a woman really beats the c**p out of a guy, she no doubt should be arrested. If she hits him but the blows bounce off ineffectually, why call the police?

  21. Its not okay for either s*x to hit the other or each other, but the reason why it is more acceptable for women to hit men is for the simeple fact that on average men are stronger and will do a lot more damage to a woman than the other way around. however, i am a very angry person and i did once hit my boyfriend, he hit me back and i accepted that that was fair. we didn't beat each other: i think a slap or punch in a moment of anger is very different from a beating.
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