
Hitting a Tennis Ball

by Guest67118  |  earlier

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A tennis player hits a ball 2.0m above the ground. The ball leaves his racquet with a speed of 25.0 m/s at an angle 5.5 degrees above the horizontal. The horizontal distance to the net is 7.0m , and the net is 1.0m high.

1.) Does the ball clear the net?

2.) By how much?

Can someone please show me how to set this up!!




  1. Ok, so you know there is no acceleration in the x-direction.  So what you need to do is find out when the ball is at the net to see if it is over or under 1.0 m.   So, the velocity in the x direction is 25*cos5.5.  Now you can find the time at which it reaches the net.  You know the net is 7.0 m away.  

    So.. V = d/t   t = 0.281 s

    Now you need to know where the vertical position of the ball is at this time.  

    Xf = Xi + Vt + .5*a*t^2

    xf == final position

    xi == initial position

    V == initial velocity

    a == vertical acceleration

    t == time

    Xf = ?

    Xi = 2m

    V = 25*sin5.5

    t = 0.281

    a = -9.81 m/s^2

    xf = 2.286 m

    The ball clears the net by 1.286 m

  2. You need the clearance at X = 7 m from the player.  vx = V cos(theta); where V = 25 mps and theta = 5.5.  vx = constant if we discount air drag (which we have to do since you gave no drag data).  Thus the time to get over the 7 m to the net is tx = X/vx = X/(V cos(theta)) and you can solve for how long the ball needs to be above Y > 1.0 meter.

    Find max height above the point where the ball was struck.  h = vy^2/2g = (V sin(theta))^2/2g; where g = 9.81 m/sec^2.  theta = 5.5 degrees.  Find tup = sqrt(2h/g), the time to reach max height h above the launch point.  

    tup is also the same time to reach H = h + 2, which is the max height above ground when the strike point is 2 m high.  If tup >= tx, we know the ball is at least Y > 2 meter;; so the ball will clear the net.  If tup < tx, we need to find the time tdown, where that's the time to fall from H to Y = 1 meter the net height.

    tdown = sqrt(2(H - 1)/g) = sqrt(2(h + 2 - 1)/g) = sqrt(2(h + 1)/g), you found h earlier; so you can find tdown.  Then if tup + tdown > tx, the ball will clear the net...othewise game, set, and match to your opponent.

    Net clearance H - S(tdown) - 1 = clearance; where H - S(tdown) is the distance above the ground after the ball falls for tdown seconds and the - 1 is the height of the net so the clearance > 0 is above the net.  H = h + 2 and S(tdown) = 1/2 g(tdown)^2 you found h and tdown earlier.  You can do the math.
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