
Hitting driver everywhere ne ideas why?

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lately i've been hitting snap hooks with my driver. doesn't matter how much i try and stop it doesn't seem to work. the weird thing is that my 3 wood (is has offset on it and the same shaft) still goes fine ( a little draw nothing major.) and my irons have been knocking down flagsticks. i do feel like i'm swinging any differently with my driver than with any of my other clubs. could this be my driver? or is it in my head?




  1. But you are because you're hitting snap hooks.  I had the same problem on the 3 occasions I've played this year.  I was doing it with my 3 wood as well.  For me, the problem was my grip and the swing path I was taking.  I was coming over the top and my face closed at impact.  Usually when I go left, it is a grip issue.  I concentrated on keeping my right elbow close to my body.  When I hooked the ball, I noticed it was away from my body.  I went to the range yesterday and hooked the ball once.  The rest went straight as an arrow with a slight draw.

  2. I woudl guess it is your swing path.  I have encountered this problem in the past and to correct it, I have always gone back to baseball (which was my sport of choice growing up).  I make a conscious effort to hit the ball to "right field" on my downswing.  For someone with a natural draw this should result in a straighter shot and at least keep you from hitting the snap hook.  

    Another remedy might be to change your takeaway.  Try a more outside in swing path.  Even try to hit a cut of the tee when the snap hook flares its ugly head.

  3. try the link below they have some pretty good free lessons to help you out.

  4. Sounds like the ideal case of laying the driver off. if your not familiar with this term, it simply means that at 9:00 in your backswing the club head is behind your hands when you look down the shaft (or to far inside). make sure when you take your driver back, its nice and slow and you have the driver head (when your looking down your hands at 9:00) is away from your body on the other side of your hands. If your having trouble getting a visual, just look up "laying off the driver" on any site and i'm sure it will take you straight to a graph. I know this will help. Keep it in the short grass.

    You may not feel like your swinging different but i promise, especially after saying that, your laying it off. If i could i'd bet you $100 that's what your doing. Even if you don't pick me for best answer, when you do pick one give me some feedback and tell me if I would be a $100 richer.

  5. There are several things that could be causing your problem but to cut it down to basic try this.  You can't hit a snap hook if you finish high.  It is impossible.  You are likely spinning your shoulders flat instead of rotating the back shoulder (right) underneath at impact.  If you saw a video tape of yourself (which I highly recommend taping yourself at the driving range) you may find out your ball position is causing you to swing from your heels which will cause you to fall off the ball causing the snap hook.  To finish high, you have to keep your right shoulder in thru the impact and it will keep your weight on the balls of your feet.  

    You have been given some good advise from the other responders.  Without seeing you swing, it would be hard to tell just exactly what your doing.  Every golfer has at times had a case of the snap hooks.  What causes it in one person may not in another.   Video tape will tell everything.  You may find out your swing is completely different.

  6. Why do you not get a 12degree DRIVER or a 13 degree 3 wood.

    THINK if you could hit 80% of fairways with a 3 wood say 230 yards or,

    270 yards 20%  fairways with a DRIVER what would you choose most high H/CAP would choose the distance that is why they are high handicappers.

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