
Hitting help???

by  |  earlier

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I'm only 5'2, and I play power (because we have too many setters, and too few hitters). I know the whole, swing your arms, lead with the elbow stuff but its just not working. Any advice???




  1. Being 5 feet 2 inches is (in itself) a disadvantage.  Work on your leg strength.  Weight training and constant jumping exercise parallel to the net would be good.  Remember to take to 2 steps, stop, then jump straight up.  Do not glide  towards the net as if making a layup in basketball.

  2. Use your knees when you hit. bend them like at the moment you hit it. it should help. good luck!

  3. Some of these people are on the right path.  Yes getting a quicker swing is important, yes working on leg strength to build your vertical is important.  However, the person who said to set the ball of the net more was really onto something.  being 5'2" you are never going to be able to hit 10 ft line.  So the key is keeping the ball off the net, seeing the blockers, seeing the defense and learn to hit shots.  If you watch college volleyball you will see a lot more great hitters hitting shots rather than hitting hard every swing.  The truly great hitters will be able to do both.  But learn to hit line shots, hit cut shots, tips, deep corners, roll shots, you don't always have to hit hard to get kills.

  4. Basically work on your form and try things out. Practice will your hitting. I saw this item at toys are us where its a net that goes around the baseball and the other end ties to bar and you can just practice your hitting

    I heard that exercising your biceps, triceps, and forearms doesnt help a significant amount but it doesnt hurt in trying

  5. well if your left handed step right,left,right JUMp

    if right handed step left,right,left JUMP

    nd with your first step bring your arms back to build up morw arm strenth but you want to do this ONLY when your setter is about to get the ball.

  6. don't forget to snap your wrist to give the ball a spin.  i'm 5'1 but i was blessed to be picked as a setter.  When i played offside though i told the setter to set the ball off the net so i would have more play with it and so i wouldn't hit the ball right into the block.  hope that helps.

  7. build strong chest and shoulders. to hit quick, its speed not strength! in soccer, its same, the faster u swing ur leg, the harder u kick. so , try rotating ur arms as an excersise. back and forth, back and forth. do it quick . changing frm clockwise to anti-clokwise quickly! =)

  8. its all in the knees!
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