
Hi!what temperature is there in Spain?

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I wanted to go there on a trip but there were big temperatures in my country so i heard that there were big temeratures in Greece this summer.What was the highest temperature in Spain , this summer?




  1. Seville is the hottest city in Spain and also in Europe. Temps AVERAGE 97 F  36C in August. It was 106 F 41 C Aug 4.

    But the temperature varies a great deal depending on where you are ....

  2. Spain is large, so you will find even in summer very cool to cold spots. Best, take a Spanish paper (ABC, EL Pais, El Mundo) and look the temperatures up. They all have a little map of Spain next of the listing of highs and lows.

    Try also this is the home page of the Meteorological Institute.

  3. Its very hot in Spain at the moment, but check BBC world weather on-line for the exact temperature and a 7 day forecast.

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