
Hiya can some one name the problem that i have with my eyes?

by  |  earlier

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hiya i have this problem with my eyes were i cant read white on black or black on white. i cant remember what it was called and it is sometimes associated with dyslexia witch i have. please can some one help because people keep on asking me and i have no idea.




  1. I read here a few weeks ago that some said if lenses are blue, it helps with dyslexia.  He wanted to know if he could get lenses that did not have a prescription in them, dyed in an optical store.  People told him he could

    Maybe a blue lens would help. He said he tried on a cheap pair first to see if it worked.

    Good luck

  2. maybe it's Irlen Syndrome, also known as Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome

    or just use the generic: Visual Dyslexia

    but the other terms sound more sophisticated  :)

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