
Hmm, Is it only me or...?

by Guest44706  |  earlier

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Am I the only person who gets annoyed when people class the UK as 'England'?

I am Scottish and when I go on holiday so many people seem to class me as from England. I am not extremely patriotic but this seems to get to me.

Any opinions?




  1. i always classify scottish and irish in their own little category. there's just so much of a difference between you and the english.  

  2. Yeah they are obviously ignorant and need to be taught a little more Geography.  England is a country.

  3. I can see your point being patriotic isn't bad at all it shows your strong when it comes to faith in your country.  I would get mad to if people said you live in Canada when i live in the United States.  Just block the people out who are doing it and if you want to say "It's not England it's UK!" then you should show some pride for Scotland.  I know i would for the USA.

  4. Sorry from Texas. I have always done that but I didn't realize it could be offensive. i can see it now though. I'm from North Texas and don't want to be confused with South Texans. Take Care.

  5. get over yourself

  6. That is because they are not that familiar with the UK. They have very little knowledge. And yes, that would irritate me:)

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