
Hmm How Do I Know?

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How do i know that my hammy teeth is way too long for her?

I've read and seen pic of overgrown teeth but i still cannot determine whether they're overgrown or not. Because my hammy seems normal. she's been eating well, drinking well, play very well but i somehow realized that she's been gnawing her cage bar less. is that a sign?

do help me.




  1. if you are concerned that her teeth are overgrown try getting her some chew sticks and things like that. if they are overgrown those should help, and if they're not, she'll enjoy chewing anyway

  2. there realy is no way to tell, my old hammy used to yawn alot so i could see easily, but with most hammies its impossible. besides, even if you DID see them, it probaably woulnt be for lon enough or close enough to really tell. the only way is to take it to the vet and get them to check =]

  3. make sure she has teething toys for her to drim them down. and if that dont help, got to the vet!

  4. go to a vet and see what they think!!!
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