
Hmm...How do i tell him?

by  |  earlier

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ok...i been dating this guy

and i THINK i love him

i just don'tt know how to say

the last time i told a bf i loved them

they started getting really bleh

So should i wait untill im COMPLETLY sure i love him

or tell him now?

and if i do tell him now, how?

thanks x




  1. If I were you I wouldn't bother telling him anything - if you are this unsure you can't be in love.

  2. follow your heart and not your head.... just get some courage and wait for the opportune moment and then express your heart and tell him that you feel this way with him.... just go for it

  3. tell him and if he is bleh put somthing in his drink so he cannot remeber

  4. It doesn't really sound that serious, I mean he's just a guy you've been dating? He's not a long-term boyfriend? Unless you've been with someone a certain amount of time its best not to jump in and say you love them till your very sure, because when you say it you should want it to hold a lot a value and to be taken seriously as apposed to just being a term you throw around. And most people (male or female) are going to freak out if you haven't given the relationship time. Hope I helped, and good luck.

  5. you should try to get him to tell you that he loves you then just reply i love you to then give him a peck and see how that goes

  6. if you feel the love tell him, if your not sure about, it may be the beginging of love... congrats :D

    xxxx good luck,

    i am in love


  7. If it were me, I would make sure. When you're sure, then just get as much courage as you can and just tell him. There isn't always an easy way.

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