
Hmm......What to do?

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Well we were at the pet store today, and they had a lot of hamsters. They had one cage with a TON of dwarfs and they had this other cage they had a lot of syrians. Anyway, i saw the most adorable chocolate covered syrian hamster! I loved it because it led me hold it with no trying to run away and it just sat in my hand and stared at me! Actually all of them were very sweet and didn't mind being held. Basically this was a relief to me because i currently have 3 gerbils who i've had for about 2 years maybe, and they do not tolerate being held even after i've been trying to tame them. Anyway, suddenly i really want one of those hamsters! It was just nice to be able to hold something :) Do yuo think it would be weird if i had both gerbils and a hamster? I know i would be able to take care of them both. Would that be weird? Should I get a hamster?




  1. If you have been taking good care of your gerbils and are willing to have another responsibility then i would say there is nothing wrong with buying a hamster!! But obviously you have to have a separate cage for the hamster because they are different species and plus Syrian hamsters can't be put in pairs anyway because they will fight to one of them dies or both. And anyway it wouldn't be weird having 4 pets. So as i said before you will have to buy another cage for the new hamster, and the food and such.. So have fun with your new hamster!!!!!

    Hope this helps!! :)  

  2. yeah if you can take care of them and afford food every month. i have two hamsters, two rabbits, a dog and going to get two birds soon so it's not weird to have lots of pets.

  3. It's not at all odd to own two different types of animals at one time, I own five guinea pigs and two rats now and it's very easy to take care of them all. Although, let me warn you that those hamsters will not act like that once you take them home. Hamsters in pet stores live in tiny tanks with other hamsters, and they hate the small space and living with other hamsters. They are never handled and are so still when you hold them because of how terrified they are. They freeze because they're afraid you're going to hurt them and don't want to be seen moving, it's a survival instinct. Hamsters are not known to be the best pets if you want an animal to cuddle and hold. How about opting for a pair of rats or a pair of guinea pigs instead? They're both cuddly and love being around people! Check out as well, they have all sorts of rodents up for adoption that are actually used to being handled and will be much more tame.
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