
Hmm just a tipical question?

by  |  earlier

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wats the best way to approach a girl youve never met but catches your eye and 4 girls how would u like 2 be approached.

Just bored and u know wouldnt hurt to ask X-)




  1. Well,

    I know I'd fall for some lame question to start a conversation such as "do you know_____" or "do you know where ____ is"

    and then just start off a conversation.


    just walk up, say hi, and talk.=]

  2. tYpical is right....

    Don't ever approach a girl bluntly...most girls don't like that at all. Be smooth, and funny. Cute sarcasm helps.


    Just go up to her and sincerely compliment her

  4. walk up to her and say "hey i'm so and so what's up?" be cute and charming. and keep the conversation flowing.

  5. hmmm i would like to be approached by a guy who is nice and gives off a good vibe.simple comversation is a good way to begin,but  dont ask where she lives cause that might freak her out.just be nice and have fun.

  6. if she catches your eye, as in you make eye contact for a bit then shes probably thinking your alright :)

    so just ask whats up, and it will flow from there.

    chill out and its better to have tried to make conversatoin with her than to have not even attempted!!

  7. DONT-

    use corny pick up lines

    show off

    make it look like it was a mistake to meet her

    say embarrassing things

    be nervous

    act like we are another species


    laugh,smile, be happy

    introduce yourself EG " names *blah blah*...and i was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies or catch up some time"

    talk...but not to much

    let her talk about yourself...

    complment her "i like your shirt/skirt/eyes...blah blah blah

  8. I would smile, try to keep eye contact for a second.  Keep looking friendly, don't use cheezy lines, the best way I would say is to strike up a conversation about something where you are. (like at starbucks, waiting in line, talk about how long it takes)  make a joke about the situation, not the person though.  I'm sorry, but I'm usually not too picky, I'm just thinking how I would like to be approached.

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