
Hmm.. ovulation tests?

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We are trying to conceive after a miscarriage in June. This is my second cycle since. When we conceived the first time we used Answer brand and that got us pregnant. Last month I had ordered from and they didn't show positive at all I was also using Answer brand and they did show positive.

What brand do you all use that you like and would reccomend?

Also, I read on line that like pregnancy tests they have a sensitvity level.. how do you know what the better ones are or what that level is?

Oh and my last period was July 13-17 I ovulated around day 17 and my cycle was 40 days... can I expect the same this month?





  1. I use the same ones. (  At first I didn't get +'s on them.  Last month I started testing twice a day but paid more attention to CM and temps and I actually got a positive FINALLY lol

    Baby dust :)  Praying this is your month :)

  2. I have used the internet OPK's (ovulation tests) with mixed results, although I definitely got a positive the last time around - and conceived.

    Sometimes you need to keep trying and sometimes - even though they don't say so - you may need to double-test on what you consider (after some experience) to be "likely" days.  I also found they worked better with extra-strong pee, so hold it in for a while before you test.  :-)

    (afternoons work best for me, I found)

    In terms of sensitivity - OPK's are meant to detect the SURGE that precedes ovulation.  That means you really don't want them too sensitive.  I wasn't sure about that at first but after I saw a couple of distinct positives, I did relax and quit worrying that the tests just weren't sensitive enough.  :-)

    Based on one previous cycle, I can't really tell you that you can or can't expect the same length of cycle or day of ovulation as last time, though obviously, you should start the opk's a couple of days before you think you ovulated last time.  It's easier if you're tracking other signs, such as cervical mucous, to back up your "hunches" about your body.  

    In fact, I would be very surprised if you did indeed ovulate on Cycle Day 17 but didn't get a period until Day 40... that would be 23 days following ovulation - extremely unusual.  Not sure what you're basing your estimate of CD 17 on - the Answer test?  Anyway, that is a confusing result indeed, and I'm not sure what to make of it based only on a single cycle.  Sorry!

  3.   offers the best cheap opks.

    the stick zip lock tests are reliable and very affordable.

    my cycles are 30-40 days long, there's no telling what month will be shorter and what month longer, wish I could help you there.

    here's a great site with others who are ttc

    good luck and thanks for answering mine!

  4. this was first month using opks and i used the ones i had bought from and got a faint second line for 3 days then for 2 days after that i got 4 very dark positives i was also testing twice a day to make sure i didnt miss it so i can't say anything bad about them they worked great for me.

      I also had a 40 day cycle a few months back , af was 10 days late and my flow was very clotty and weird texture almost the texture of ewcm (sorry if tmi) just thought i would share incase it was helpful. I have never had a period that late before and havent since the month right after was 30 days from the late one. so i am sure yours will to...good luck and baby dust to you!
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