
Hmm.. signed paul henderson cards?

by  |  earlier

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how much do you think i would make off a signed paul henderson card from when he was on the leafs? i also have one of him scoring the winning goal for team canada- also signed.


thanks !!




  1. Here are some that were sold on ebay

  2. it's not an authenticated autograph. so personally i would give you 10-20 bucks for it.

    It's all about what the collector is willing to pay.

    in the persons ad above, you see even authenticated auto's going for 5-10 bucks, the reason why? not as many collectors collect Paul Henderson.

    if you wanted to ask 15 for the leafs and 20 for the team canada or somewhere in the area, that would be fair.

  3. you would get a fair amount for the leafs one but i would not sell the team canada one.... wiat 30 years and then sell

  4. Wow! That is some set of cards you have. I do not have answer to your question, except to say that a collector who has money will pay $$$ if he/she really NEEDS that card. Someone answered to hold on to the Team Canada card. As the years go by though..people are forgetting Team Canada 72, and the importance of it.

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