
Hmm wonderings... joy of satan?

by Guest65693  |  earlier

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just asking... im looking around on sites right now :)

why does everyone hate the joy of satan so much?

i dont really know about them?

but what did they do?

is it cuz they are satanists?




  1. This specific sec of Satanism believes that Satan is the one true God, and the Christ and God the father are fictional characters. They also believe that Satan created humans, they are a group that is monotheistic as well.

    They have practices of witch craft, summonings, seances.

    In my opinion, I think that these people most likely came from a Christian family that wasn't good to them. Possibly Catholic.

    They found more response from Satan than Jesus so they converted to worship Satan instead.

    Satanism can refer to a number of belief systems depending on the user and context. Common use of the word generally refers to the worship of Satan as described in the Christian Bible or the practice of ritual magic.  However, by the actual adherents, the suffix -ism is used by some groups to suggest the definition as an act or practice,[clarify] as opposed to the oft-assumed definition as the doctrine or philosophy behind an act or practice.

    Generally, the word "Satanism" is used by scholars to describe several distinct spiritual practices and beliefs; the two most significant seem to be LaVeyan Satanism and Theistic Satanism. Ideas about Satan come from essentially these two sources. It is often the practice of any given Satanist not to refer to themselves with a hyphenated prefix. Each "type" of Satanist will usually refer to themselves only as Satanists.

    I urge you not to look into this type of life style, because it is not a happy one.

  2. quite frankly, its a bit creepy. thats all. i mean, if they're not theists, then drop the name already, and dont say the prayers. they could have done it a lot better then they are now.

  3. Bad idea...don't go there.

  4. they are thiests, they do not believe in satan.

  5. We don't actually worship the Christian "satan" If you read the website you will see that what we believe in is the ancient sumerian god, enki.  We also worship many "demons" which are other ancient gods as well.  We do not kill anyhting, human or animal, we do not rape, we do not do drugs, we follow all laws, we just have a different beleif system.  I have never been happier since I came across the  I came from a nonreligious family.  I do not deny that there is some historical accuracy in the bible, such as cities and some events happening, but the Christian god is a myth brought upon humanity to enslave their minds and take their money.  That is what I believe.  I think the Christian god is false, he was never there, still isn't.  I don't know why everyone hates us so much.  I suppose it is because we are different.  We denounce "Christ" and that angers a lot of people.  But as for teh actual worship of Satan, we don't.  Satan is more of a title given to our father.  He is not the biblical satan at all.

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