
Hmmm,,,,did I really get a ticket?

by  |  earlier

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~ was in Califonia 3 months ago for a weekend. Aparently I went threw a red light....cameras flashing like crazy,,,,,so a couple weeks later I get a letter in the mail,,,with my photo of going through the red light....the paperwork was for me to fill out my info. So I did that very day, and mailed it off . I have not yet heard from Calif or AZ DMV regarding how much my fine is,,,,I want to pay it. But how do I find out how much? And who do I contact. Also if I am in Calif and get pulled over,,,will they arrest me.....I have never had a ticket of any kind in my 30 years of driving,,,have never even been to principles office when I was in now nervouse ,,,if I want to go to Calif to see my grandaughters,,,,,any helpfull info would be appreciated......




  1. I heard a story once about a man that was sent a photo of his car going through a light with a traffic ticket. He thought it was funny but instead of paying the fine he just sent a photo of $50.00. The police took the hint and sent back to him a photo of handcuffs!!!

    The man sent in his fine!!   LOL

    Anyway, yes contact the Motor Vehicle Dept and see what the "holdup" is and get that fine paid.

    Good luck!!!

  2. Plead not guilty,

    there's no proof you were driving, it just took a photo of your car.  

  3. Contact or go on line to the  California  Department of Motor Vehicles. No you will not get arrested for this traffic violation but if you don't pay now the fine amount will increases. This makes up for being so perfect in school. (just kidding).

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