
Hmmm,,,it looks like you have a lot of punctuation?

by  |  earlier

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ITS BECAUSE I WANT ALL THOSE LITTLE DOTS AND DASHES THERE!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...

sorry folks, i feel better now,,,




  1. Didn't Tolkien mention something about a person's overuse of exclamation marks reflecting their mental well-being?

  2. Yes, why all of a sudden do we have these critics breathing

    down our neck, telling us we have lousy punctuation and

    worse spelling?????

    I can still understand most of what people write, however

    creatively they write it, thank you.

    And I outgrew my Mummy spell-checking me long ago.

    I find these things intrusive, irritating, and overly bossy.

  3. I'm with YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I want all that punctuation for emphasis!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS - I Caps lock for a reason.  

  4. you are one of my heroes!  so much yelling!  did you feel guilty at all because of the poor little pop up box working overtime?

  5. Don't You just love that little box ------------------------>

    I call it the state of Montana ! ! !  I get it on every answer !  It does look like Montana doesn't it ? ? ?  Hmmmm maybe it is telling me to come visit  ? ? ?

  6. THANK YOU !!!!!

    I just think it's hilarious when there little prompter pops up.  

  7. I'm with you. I can't seem to help but use the proper dots and dashes where needed.  I may try to shorten things, but I'm not sure I can.  But I do understand you.

  8. Bless you my son!!!

    I answer Math questions. Brackets, hyphens, dots, dashes all over the

    place. It's like having Alfred E. Newman looking over your shoulder while

    you try to type.

    Have a star!

  9. I had a COMMA, a PERIOD and two QUOTATION MARKS...and got the same stupid comment from those inbred, anal retentive, borderline illiterates at Y/A staff.  Whoops, there it goes again! hahahaha


  10. Its tough for us UK people as the spell check is in American English  

  11. It does it sometimes even when there are no errors.  

  12. That drives me nuts -It feels as though someone is peering over my shoulder.

  13. I like all those dots and dashes. Good grief. it's the way I talk for goodness sakes!!! See what I mean? I can't help it, and no, I do not have low mentality. Poppy

  14. Don't forget the spell check How it Scrabble's  all your words together and adds a few extra letter's,   Feel better myself   thanks        l.o.l

  15. hi RO HO . i find it really comical that the spell check ends up spelling my words wrong ,lol . right now it says i have 5 errors , lol .

    crazy yahoo is a good name for this .

    take care . d.

  16. So true - No one likes a constant ******. Think it should be our choice if we want to spell and punctuate our own way or choose for help from an option, but this constant overseer is annoying.  

  17. I get that message all the time because I always like to end my sentances in !!!!!!!!!  

  18. The Yahoo! Answer punctuation police are writing tickets to meet their quota.

  19. It would be alright if 'it' could tell you WHERE you are using the wrong, or too much, punctuation.  Yes, I took the caps off after using all caps for ONE word.

  20. Oh so I am not alone with that error, lmbo  :P  I get it all the time... cuz I tend to like all those little dots... dashes and extras there too, lol.

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